Every year we teach the variety of workshops. You can see on the page of "the current events" the current schedules, and more details for each of the coming workshop. We teach the workshops in our healing centers, in Seattle and Ellensburg, but also around the world. So, looking at our current schedules, you may choose the place, where you want to experience the training. We value the format of the workshops, as it is extremely beneficial for two main reasons: it is always in a group form, so your personal experience is amplified by the group energy; and during the workshop you have extended time for learning and experiencing (comparing it with hourly regular classes or individual sessions), that allows you to immerse into practice and achieve deeper changes and transformations, you have time also for processing the results and share in a group, that gives you a great feedback and validation of your experience.
1. Ultimate Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Workshops. (click for details)
1. Ultimate Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Workshops. (click for details)
Ultimate NMT I: Physiological Principles of Neuromuscular Therapy; Understanding Pain Mechanisms - neurological laws; Learning to Read the Body - Postural/Structural Analysis and Biomechanics (NMT segmental neuropathy charts included); Pelvic Stabilization ; Cervical Injuries and Its Treatment. Extra bonus to make the best possible treatment: Energy Bodies, Nutrition, NLP.
Ultimate NMT II: Understanding and Treating Injuries of Upper Torso, Spinal Column (Thoracic Region), Shoulder and Extremities; Stages of Rehabilitation: Movement re-education.
Ultimate NMT III: Pain Mechanisms of the Low Back (Lumbar Spine) and its Treatment; Hip Pain; Neuromuscular components of Scoliosis. Physiological Principles of Neuromuscular Therapy; Understanding Pain Mechanisms - neurological laws; hands-on training.
(we'll give a review of the neurological laws, although in more details you'll study it in #1NMT)
Ultimate NMT IV: this NMT workshop will contain components of cranio-sacral work. You'll study in theory and practice the details of cranial compression and decompression; learn to sense into subtle movements and rhythms of the cranial plates and spinal fluids within the dural tube; treatment of TMJ dysfunction (taking care of pain and tension in the jaw, frequent headaches)
With these workshops you'll get an amazing tool of injury or chronicle treatments, building clear communication with the clients, doctors, insurance Co-s, as you'll be able to explain all the involved pain mechanisms and patterns, justify your treatment plans and necessary rehabilitation time, as well as help your patients to receive efficient pain relieving therapy and teach them home maintenance movement re-education techniques.
Ultimate NMT II: Understanding and Treating Injuries of Upper Torso, Spinal Column (Thoracic Region), Shoulder and Extremities; Stages of Rehabilitation: Movement re-education.
Ultimate NMT III: Pain Mechanisms of the Low Back (Lumbar Spine) and its Treatment; Hip Pain; Neuromuscular components of Scoliosis. Physiological Principles of Neuromuscular Therapy; Understanding Pain Mechanisms - neurological laws; hands-on training.
(we'll give a review of the neurological laws, although in more details you'll study it in #1NMT)
Ultimate NMT IV: this NMT workshop will contain components of cranio-sacral work. You'll study in theory and practice the details of cranial compression and decompression; learn to sense into subtle movements and rhythms of the cranial plates and spinal fluids within the dural tube; treatment of TMJ dysfunction (taking care of pain and tension in the jaw, frequent headaches)
With these workshops you'll get an amazing tool of injury or chronicle treatments, building clear communication with the clients, doctors, insurance Co-s, as you'll be able to explain all the involved pain mechanisms and patterns, justify your treatment plans and necessary rehabilitation time, as well as help your patients to receive efficient pain relieving therapy and teach them home maintenance movement re-education techniques.
With all the NMT workshops we give CEU-s and beautiful certificates of attendance.
2. The Art of Traditional Thai Massage. (click for details)
Detailed Instructions and Hands-on experience! CEU-s available with certificate upon completion of the course.
3. Awakening massage.
Hands-on exploration of Ancient and Modern Massage systems.
This workshop is designed for non-professionals, for those, who is interested in massage and wants to learn the basics to be able to give it to their relatives, and do maintenance in case of chronic condition.
Will explore: Why to get a massage? You'll learn the elements of Swedish, Russian, Thai, Shiatsu, Energy Healing.
Detailed Instructions and Hands-on experience! CEU-s available with certificate upon completion of the course.
3. Awakening massage.
Hands-on exploration of Ancient and Modern Massage systems.
This workshop is designed for non-professionals, for those, who is interested in massage and wants to learn the basics to be able to give it to their relatives, and do maintenance in case of chronic condition.
Will explore: Why to get a massage? You'll learn the elements of Swedish, Russian, Thai, Shiatsu, Energy Healing.
What issues can be resolved:
What will you experience:
Come with your partner, child, parent or alone and celebrate the CONNECTION!!!
( total 9 ceu hours)
Increase your understanding of how visceral structures (our internal organs) influence somatic, vascular, and glandular functions through the nervous system.
Learn subtle skills of VM techniques for different organs; practice detailed Structural Analysis, discovering different distortion patterns; learn how our emotions are stored in internal organs and how to clear and transform the negative emotions. See more details in "Our Workshops" about each of the workshops below.
5. MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE (MLD) (click for details)
( total 9 ceu hours)
You'll receive theoretical and practical knowledge about lymphedema of different origins, how to drain all the body parts, and achieve complete detoxification of the body that is at the core of the decongestive therapy; strengthening of your immune system for preventative health maintenance, post-surgical maintenance, healthy weight management, releasing emotional stagnation and reaching essential rejuvenation of the whole of you.
(Become Reiki Practitioner of the Second Degree!) ( total 9 ceu hours)
In our teaching we are emphasizing that Reiki is and ancient healing art. It extends its roots to the oldest authentic traditions of healing ever existing on this planet.
During this workshop you'll learn the basic principles and theory of Energy Healing and Universal Healing Tao, you'll have opportunity to devote your time fully to learning how to clear yourself for feeling and accumulating this energy and passing it on through you.
( of DR. USUI Lineage) (total 9 ceu-s)
We all have innate ability to Heal and to Be Healed, attunements and knowledge you'll receive will help you to plug into the healing network of Masters and take responsibility to assist in healing yourself, people around you and the Planet.
8. SHAMANIC WORKSHOP with Ulchi (Siberian) SHAMAN
Fire Ritual: experience and participate in ancient ceremony during the first evening; chanting, drumming, dancing may last till midnight.
Both, Ritual of Forgiveness and Happiness; and Devotional Circle of the Sun involve you deeper into the soul purification process during the second day.
(Based on Affinity QiYoga of Elements)
Through this practice on Nature Land (Tao, QiGong, Yoga, Siddhi and much more) you'll explore the core of Inner Alchemy, Connection with Elements of Nature and the World around you, Cosmic Union, Harmonious Union with significant other (true tantric relationships!)
(Taoist QiGong and Yogic ancient secrets for Health, Sexuality, Longevity)
Transform through experiencing and understanding peculiarities of women's energy structures, cultivation of Yin power, nurturing foods and cleansing of main organs;
opening Yin horizontal orbits; Tao-In practice; balancing your hormonal and lymphatic systems; ancient practice of the Moon Breath.