Lydia and Ashley met in 1990 in Moscow, Soviet Union, at the First International Conference "Unity in Yoga." Ashley was one of the best 33 yoga instructors that came to the conference. He was the only one who introduced himself to the audience, while standing on his head. That very fact impressed Lydia tremendously. At that very moment Ashley noticed Lydia's eyes in the crowd and his heart was pierced.
There were other mysterious synchronicities, but we'll leave it for our book. But that's when we started a journey to synthesize spirit-body arts to further bridge East and West in the form of inner-realization.
Lydia uprooted her cultural loves and experiences of teaching Psychology at Moscow State University as assistant professor (1985-1991) where she also participated and began a core study groups in Theosophy and esoteric knowledge (since 1978) while extensively practicing yoga, qi-gong, massage along with summer research intensives in dolphin behavior (1977-1979) and geologic-archeology studies (1973, 1983) to begin the alchemical-marital relationship with Ashley who has taught and practiced body arts of yoga, tai-chi and massage since the late 1970s.
We organized the first holistic healing center (Rowan's BodyMindSpirit Therapy) in Ellensburg in 1991 and in 1995 the same in Seattle, where we continuously provide multidimensional healing to hundreds of patients.
In our daily practice we devote ourselves to different modalities of Healing.
We are both licensed massage therapists, specializing in deep tissue styles, such as Russian massage, Neuromuscular therapy (Paul St. John Method), Thai and Hawaiian bodywork, as well as in relaxing and nurturing, such as Therapeutic Healing Touch and Reiki. In our therapeutic sessions we incorporate knowledge and skills from our diverse training in Shiatsu, Reflexology, Polarity Therapy and Cosmic Healing QiGong; all these approaches address the organism as a whole. That gives us an opportunity to successfully help in treatment of very specific neuromuscular conditions including osteochondritis, lumbago, arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica, carpel tunnel syndrome, TMJ dysfunction, thoracic outlet syndrome as well as to help in rehabilitation and recovery from physical and psychological traumas and stress.
Our training and certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy allows us to propose our clients healing modality that is based on imagery and desire to grow that leads to regaining of inner strength and Power of the Mind. Our sessions often look like guided imagery, guided meditation, that will teach you how to reach states of progressive relaxation, centering, peace and harmony, the place within from which any miraculous healings are possible.
As clinical hypnotherapists, we can help you with smoke cessation, weight reduction and stress reduction from a perspective that is truly bodymind holistic. We can take you on a journey of self-discovery with Time-Line Therapy or past life regression that will help you to clear out negative emotions, remove limiting decisions and have insights and better understanding of your current self.
Lydia conducts psychotherapy sessions, drawing from all of our studies. She hopes to demystify psychotherapy as a process that much of the public is intimidated and apprehensive about, and to show the client how they can really sit in the driver's seat.
By the way, psychotherapy is Lydia's longest occupation. She started in 1981 with a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology treating a variety of conditions. She helps people with anxiety and fears, depression and low self-esteem when they have lost their anchor and orientation, are overwhelmed with acute pain or can't let go of the painful burden of the past, or just have forgotten where and how to find their uniqueness and creativity. Though she loves her clients dearly, she likes to see termination of her therapy, when her clients are empowered and can skillfully use the variety of tools to cope with what they used to call problem or disease and grow into Health and Spirituality without dependency.
Ashley as a certified exercise and yoga instructor is proposing his unique system of yoga therapy that works with groups and individuals in private sessions. His yoga therapy is a great complementary modality to massage therapy. It teaches you gradually how to overcome sensory-motor amnesia that all of us adults are suffering from, how to regain body awareness, unlock and release the energy caught in the tissues, build the bridge between the Mind and the Body that will give you flexibility, feeling of joy and control over your health and entire life. Ashley is a yoga instructor of international category. He studied with renowned teacher B.K.S. Iyengar, lived and worked in India at Mother Theresa's House of Death and Dying in Calcutta. He specializes in Kundalini and Double Yoga, but has his distinctive style.
In 2004 he produced a video entitled "Affinity Yoga: A Feeling For All of Life.* In 2005 he was accepted into the holy order of the Siddhas lineage.
Lydia is teaching several classes a week in Chi-Gong in West Seattle and Ellensburg. In her teachings she helps her students to reach a new level of understand of their energy bodies, their unlimited potential and connection with the Universal Creative Life-Force. Both Lydia and Ashley received certification in Cosmic Healing Chi-Gong with Master Mantak Chia, in Thailand in 1999. In 2002 we traveled in China for two and one half months and studied with Master Xue Ming Tang in Shaolin Monastery. Lydia became a certified instructor of Zhong Yuan Quigong (ZYQ), she also became a certified instructor of Supreme Science QiGong.
We both studied with Dr. Xue Shi Wang and Ken Cohen in Seattle.
Lydia and Ashley are vibrational healers: they are Masters of Reiki, Cosmic Healing Chi-Gong, and Sacred Sounds. In 2005 they studied crystal healing and trained with Tom Kenyon in the Sound Healer's Training and Planetary Sahu. We continue the alchemical union of coupling energies of the Universe and wonder what it means for a world culture to emerge beyond the current Yuga.
We travel the world to sacred acupuncture points of the earth to contribute into healing of our planet. In 1998 we were pilgrims of Macchu Picchu, Lake Tittikaka, Nazka and other sacred places of Peru , bowing to the genius of Incas and ancient pre-Incas civilizations. In 2002 together with our younger son Klim, we climbed sacred mountains of China where we did sacred Taoist practices, meditated in caves and prayed in ancient temples of China and Tibet. In 2003 was our pilgrimage to ancient Mayan ruins in Central America: Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. In 2005 Lydia and Klim, did a 90 day pilgrimage to Nepal, India, and Tibet, including a complete circumambulation of Mt. Kailash.
We co-teach "Awakening the Inner-Healer" workshops yearly to explore new boundaries of healing, growth and liberation in individual dynamics and couple relationships, with guidance into the discovery of unlimited health and joy.
There were other mysterious synchronicities, but we'll leave it for our book. But that's when we started a journey to synthesize spirit-body arts to further bridge East and West in the form of inner-realization.
Lydia uprooted her cultural loves and experiences of teaching Psychology at Moscow State University as assistant professor (1985-1991) where she also participated and began a core study groups in Theosophy and esoteric knowledge (since 1978) while extensively practicing yoga, qi-gong, massage along with summer research intensives in dolphin behavior (1977-1979) and geologic-archeology studies (1973, 1983) to begin the alchemical-marital relationship with Ashley who has taught and practiced body arts of yoga, tai-chi and massage since the late 1970s.
We organized the first holistic healing center (Rowan's BodyMindSpirit Therapy) in Ellensburg in 1991 and in 1995 the same in Seattle, where we continuously provide multidimensional healing to hundreds of patients.
In our daily practice we devote ourselves to different modalities of Healing.
We are both licensed massage therapists, specializing in deep tissue styles, such as Russian massage, Neuromuscular therapy (Paul St. John Method), Thai and Hawaiian bodywork, as well as in relaxing and nurturing, such as Therapeutic Healing Touch and Reiki. In our therapeutic sessions we incorporate knowledge and skills from our diverse training in Shiatsu, Reflexology, Polarity Therapy and Cosmic Healing QiGong; all these approaches address the organism as a whole. That gives us an opportunity to successfully help in treatment of very specific neuromuscular conditions including osteochondritis, lumbago, arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica, carpel tunnel syndrome, TMJ dysfunction, thoracic outlet syndrome as well as to help in rehabilitation and recovery from physical and psychological traumas and stress.
Our training and certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy allows us to propose our clients healing modality that is based on imagery and desire to grow that leads to regaining of inner strength and Power of the Mind. Our sessions often look like guided imagery, guided meditation, that will teach you how to reach states of progressive relaxation, centering, peace and harmony, the place within from which any miraculous healings are possible.
As clinical hypnotherapists, we can help you with smoke cessation, weight reduction and stress reduction from a perspective that is truly bodymind holistic. We can take you on a journey of self-discovery with Time-Line Therapy or past life regression that will help you to clear out negative emotions, remove limiting decisions and have insights and better understanding of your current self.
Lydia conducts psychotherapy sessions, drawing from all of our studies. She hopes to demystify psychotherapy as a process that much of the public is intimidated and apprehensive about, and to show the client how they can really sit in the driver's seat.
By the way, psychotherapy is Lydia's longest occupation. She started in 1981 with a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology treating a variety of conditions. She helps people with anxiety and fears, depression and low self-esteem when they have lost their anchor and orientation, are overwhelmed with acute pain or can't let go of the painful burden of the past, or just have forgotten where and how to find their uniqueness and creativity. Though she loves her clients dearly, she likes to see termination of her therapy, when her clients are empowered and can skillfully use the variety of tools to cope with what they used to call problem or disease and grow into Health and Spirituality without dependency.
Ashley as a certified exercise and yoga instructor is proposing his unique system of yoga therapy that works with groups and individuals in private sessions. His yoga therapy is a great complementary modality to massage therapy. It teaches you gradually how to overcome sensory-motor amnesia that all of us adults are suffering from, how to regain body awareness, unlock and release the energy caught in the tissues, build the bridge between the Mind and the Body that will give you flexibility, feeling of joy and control over your health and entire life. Ashley is a yoga instructor of international category. He studied with renowned teacher B.K.S. Iyengar, lived and worked in India at Mother Theresa's House of Death and Dying in Calcutta. He specializes in Kundalini and Double Yoga, but has his distinctive style.
In 2004 he produced a video entitled "Affinity Yoga: A Feeling For All of Life.* In 2005 he was accepted into the holy order of the Siddhas lineage.
Lydia is teaching several classes a week in Chi-Gong in West Seattle and Ellensburg. In her teachings she helps her students to reach a new level of understand of their energy bodies, their unlimited potential and connection with the Universal Creative Life-Force. Both Lydia and Ashley received certification in Cosmic Healing Chi-Gong with Master Mantak Chia, in Thailand in 1999. In 2002 we traveled in China for two and one half months and studied with Master Xue Ming Tang in Shaolin Monastery. Lydia became a certified instructor of Zhong Yuan Quigong (ZYQ), she also became a certified instructor of Supreme Science QiGong.
We both studied with Dr. Xue Shi Wang and Ken Cohen in Seattle.
Lydia and Ashley are vibrational healers: they are Masters of Reiki, Cosmic Healing Chi-Gong, and Sacred Sounds. In 2005 they studied crystal healing and trained with Tom Kenyon in the Sound Healer's Training and Planetary Sahu. We continue the alchemical union of coupling energies of the Universe and wonder what it means for a world culture to emerge beyond the current Yuga.
We travel the world to sacred acupuncture points of the earth to contribute into healing of our planet. In 1998 we were pilgrims of Macchu Picchu, Lake Tittikaka, Nazka and other sacred places of Peru , bowing to the genius of Incas and ancient pre-Incas civilizations. In 2002 together with our younger son Klim, we climbed sacred mountains of China where we did sacred Taoist practices, meditated in caves and prayed in ancient temples of China and Tibet. In 2003 was our pilgrimage to ancient Mayan ruins in Central America: Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. In 2005 Lydia and Klim, did a 90 day pilgrimage to Nepal, India, and Tibet, including a complete circumambulation of Mt. Kailash.
We co-teach "Awakening the Inner-Healer" workshops yearly to explore new boundaries of healing, growth and liberation in individual dynamics and couple relationships, with guidance into the discovery of unlimited health and joy.