October 4 Sun. 9 am-6 pm (9 ceu h.)
Increase your understanding of how visceral structures influence somatic, vascular, and glandular functions through the medium of communication provided by the nervous system. Comparative Studies found Visceral Manipulation Beneficial for various disorders: whiplash, seatbelt injuries, chest or abdominal sports injuries, digestive disorders; women’s and men’s health issues, such as chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, fibroids and cysts, bladder incontinence, prostate dysfunction; musculoskeletal disorders, such as chronic spinal dysfunction, headaches and migraines, sciatica; emotional issues: anxiety, depression, PTSD; pain related to post-operative Scar Tissue; pediatric issues.
You will learn how to do assessment of the structural relationships between the viscera (the internal organs) and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the musculoskeletal system.
We’ll do hands-on practice of detailed Structural Analysis, discovering different distortion patterns and pulls coming from or impacting the internal organs, as well as thoroughly practice VM techniques for different organs.
We’ll learn connections between emotions and our internal organs and how to clear or transform the negative emotions. You’ll become familiar and practice Taoist techniques to achieve this.
June 27, Sat. 9am -6 pm. (total of 9 ceu h.)
We are looking to provide practical knowledge to treat lymphedema of different origins. Basic history, anatomy and physiology, as well as indications and contraindications of the lymph drainage are covered. Locations of the main nodes and direction of the large lymph vessels as well as the 10 points to observe in order to have maximum results will emerge within this workshop.
As a participant in this hands-on practice with lecture and demonstrations, you are encouraged to see your client/patient in a new light. Given that we are composed of a high percentage of water, we will approach each other as intuitive, water beings. There is a subtlety to ‘touching within’ someone’s water system; a knowingness that dovetails with theoretical knowledge.
We will learn how to drain the face, neck, thorax, abdomen, arms and legs, and how to do complete detoxification of the body, the core of the decongestive therapy.
Lymph drainage is essential for rejuvenation, reduction of symptoms of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, stimulation of the immune system for preventative health maintenance, it provides deep relaxation, helps with insomnia, stress, emotional conditions, loss of memory, headaches.
Where: At Awakening BodyMindSpirit, 814th E. 5th Ave. tel. 509-962-9656
Price and discounts: Each workshop is $180 (or $200 at the door), $40 discount for taking both (so, $320 for both, or 18 ceu)