Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is one of the oldest and natural modes of healing. It is considered to be a potent and safe adjunct tool in medicine (ex. for alleviating the pain or stress, and strengthening the immune system, battling cancer) as well as an effective procedure in psychotherapy. For thousands of years, philosophers and intellectuals all over the world have known that thoughts can control the body’s functions and human behavior, and that within us all there is the unlimited potential to uplift, move out of helplessness, heal and inspire others as well as ourselves. Hypnosis is the best tool to access, mobilize and actualize this potential.
The term “hypnosis” comes from Ancient Greek word “hypnos” (the greek god Hypnos), that means “sleep”… So, what is hypnosis? Is it a form of sleep? …
Different experts will give you different definitions, it is still remains somewhat cloaked in the veil of mysticism. But practical usage of this tool in therapeutic purposes helps to clear this veil.
My teacher, Dr. Krasner defined Hypnosis as a “process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility and increased awareness, allowing access to the subconscious mind through the imagination. It also produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real.
For the process to be effective, there are two components that must be present: Belief and Expectation.”
Here is another definition that seems to explain the effects of the phenomenon: “Hypnosis is a state of mind in which suggestions are acted upon much more powerfully than is possible under normal conditions. While in hypnosis, one suppresses the power of conscious criticism. One’s focus of attention is narrower and one’s level of awareness on a focal point is much higher than if one were awake. During the heightened focus and awareness, suggestions appear to go directly into the unconscious mind.”
Hypnosis is a trance state that has special qualities. While in it, you can control areas of yourself that are normally out of reach of your conscious mind. In hypnosis you can make changes in chemical, physical, psychological, and emotional parts of yourself.
Trance state is a natural state of mind, and all of us experience it with different level of intensity several times a day, say, when you listen to music, attend a long lecture, watch TV, drive on a freeway at night, meditate… So, each of us is capable of experiencing hypnotic state and benefit from it.
There is a big difference between clinical hypnosis and the stage hypnotism. The stage variety is a performance, a show for entertainment.
That is why we like to use the term Clinical Hypnotherapy, the process where the motivation for participation is totally different: personal healing, growth, transformation.
The techniques of hypnotic induction into trance we use are variable that produce different types of sessions, depending on initial problem or quest:
So, when do we want to appeal to this great magician, the Wizard Within us? When do we want to use this amazing tool of Clinical Hypnotherapy?
We’ll help you to become comfortable and love the explorations with the help of this ancient powerful method of healing and reaching wholeness, and accept all the desirable changes in yourself and your life.
We also will be happy to assist you in learning methods of Self-hypnosis, so you will be able to be confident on your individual journey, if you choose to do so!
The term “hypnosis” comes from Ancient Greek word “hypnos” (the greek god Hypnos), that means “sleep”… So, what is hypnosis? Is it a form of sleep? …
Different experts will give you different definitions, it is still remains somewhat cloaked in the veil of mysticism. But practical usage of this tool in therapeutic purposes helps to clear this veil.
My teacher, Dr. Krasner defined Hypnosis as a “process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility and increased awareness, allowing access to the subconscious mind through the imagination. It also produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real.
For the process to be effective, there are two components that must be present: Belief and Expectation.”
Here is another definition that seems to explain the effects of the phenomenon: “Hypnosis is a state of mind in which suggestions are acted upon much more powerfully than is possible under normal conditions. While in hypnosis, one suppresses the power of conscious criticism. One’s focus of attention is narrower and one’s level of awareness on a focal point is much higher than if one were awake. During the heightened focus and awareness, suggestions appear to go directly into the unconscious mind.”
Hypnosis is a trance state that has special qualities. While in it, you can control areas of yourself that are normally out of reach of your conscious mind. In hypnosis you can make changes in chemical, physical, psychological, and emotional parts of yourself.
Trance state is a natural state of mind, and all of us experience it with different level of intensity several times a day, say, when you listen to music, attend a long lecture, watch TV, drive on a freeway at night, meditate… So, each of us is capable of experiencing hypnotic state and benefit from it.
There is a big difference between clinical hypnosis and the stage hypnotism. The stage variety is a performance, a show for entertainment.
That is why we like to use the term Clinical Hypnotherapy, the process where the motivation for participation is totally different: personal healing, growth, transformation.
The techniques of hypnotic induction into trance we use are variable that produce different types of sessions, depending on initial problem or quest:
- Classical hypnotherapy with persuasive style (Dr. Mesmer, Dr. Tepperwein)
- The Krasner method of clinical hypnotherapy
- Ericksonian (permissive) approach
- Neo-Ericksonian approach and scripts
- Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
- Time-Line Therapy (T. James method)
- Past Life Regression
- Guided imagery and Healing Visualization
- Progressive Relaxation
So, when do we want to appeal to this great magician, the Wizard Within us? When do we want to use this amazing tool of Clinical Hypnotherapy?
- Healing any pain: physical or emotional
- Hypnoanalgesia/anesthesia (it will work for you the best, if you can’t use drugs)
- Pain and Stress Management (chronic or short-term)
- Hypnobirthing
- Strengthening your Immune system
- Hypnotizing any disease right out of your body
- Overcoming limitations: limited thoughts and beliefs, limited creativity and physical ability
- Eradicating negative thoughts and harmful habits: smoking, overeating, other addictions
- Getting rid of Insomnia, improving your sleep and dreams
- Alleviating all fears and undoing “bad trances” (phobias)
- Battling anxiety and panic attacks
- Recovering from trauma, old emotional pains, depression
- Developing adequate Self-esteem, affirming self, restructuring Body images
- Complete rejuvenation, feeling youthful and beautiful!
- Improving Performance, Memory
- Developing Creativity, Spontaneity
- Enhancing Relationships
- Unleashing your fullest Potential and becoming what you want to be!
We’ll help you to become comfortable and love the explorations with the help of this ancient powerful method of healing and reaching wholeness, and accept all the desirable changes in yourself and your life.
We also will be happy to assist you in learning methods of Self-hypnosis, so you will be able to be confident on your individual journey, if you choose to do so!